Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Recovering from a Funk

I was kind of in a funk yesterday.

Sunday night I watched Olympic gymnastics and it made me want to give up -- I was just so in awe of what those bodies could do, it seemed worthless to try doing anything with my body. Then when I weighed myself yesterday morning, after being down two pounds for several days, I was back where I'd been a week earlier.

I carefully loaded up a cart of books when I arrived at work and as soon as I was done, the wheels fell off and they all landed in my lap. I was hungry and cranky all afternoon until I was weighed in at Weight Watchers.

And in the evening, I received a text from, I thought, someone who has been annoying me, so I responded kind of rudely -- we went back and forth a few times before I realized I hadn't recognized the number and it was actually someone completely cool. I texted an apology and didn't get a response.

Then this morning I woke up and read this and it helped so much there were tears involved. Sometimes the universe provides exactly what you need.

I went running outside, rather than on a treadmill, even though it was raining, and it felt amazing.

The completely cool person thought my misguided texting was hilarious.

I got to read one of my favorite subversive stories to a group of third graders.

And tomorrow morning I'm going to a yoga class.

It's good to remember that most everything, especially small annoying things, can be repaired.

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